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The Sheppards Mill of Stokes County, North Carolina
Offered at
Absolute Auction
Selling to the Highest Bidder without Minimums or Reserves, On-Site
"The Sheppard's Mill"
Saturday, May, 18th at 12:00 Noon
Stokes County - North Carolina
A Rare Opportunity
This Real Estate is Selling Free & Clear of any Liens or Encumberances !
OPEN HOUSE DATES: Sunday April 28th - From 2-4 PM
Tuesday May 7th - From 2-4 PM and Thursday May 16th From 2-4 PM
Property Location: Located at 1075 Billy Moorefield Road Just out of Danbury, NC in Beautiful Stokes County, North Carolina. Located Just Minutes from Hanging Rock State Park
Property Description: This Old Mill known in the Danbury Community of Stokes County, North Carolina as "The Sheppard's Mill" is situated on the banks of the Snow Creek at 1075 Billy Moorefield Road just outside of Danbury. This historical property was built in 1904 by By Mr. Calla "Kelly" Sheppard. Mr. Sheppard was a skilled craftsman and a jack of all trades who practiced veterinary medicine and was known to pull teeth of customers while they was waiting for their grain to be ground. When one walks through the heavy hand made wooden doors you will see the Un-Molested Original collection of well maintained complex milling machinery from rollers to sifters and millstones to elevators that appears ready begin grinding wheat into flour and corn into corn meal, complete with the Sifting and bagging scales etc. The smell of the Old Mill takes one back into a time in history when things were alot quieter, less stressful, and the world seemed to be moving at a slower pace. The Mill is powered by three turbines which powered the mill for many years and an AC Electric Motor was added later so that the mill could continue to operate in drought conditions. One thing that makes "The Sheppard's Mill" different than other mills of this period is the fact that there was also a Sawmill, Wood Planer, Wood Lathe, Table Saw, Grinding Wheel, Scroll Saw, Drilling Machine, added making your visit to the Sheppard's Mill a one stop Shop.
Also selling in a seperate tract is the"Old Mill Store" Now a renovated Frame House Located at 1065 Billy Moorefield Road.
Auctioneer's Note: Ladies and Gentlemen, very seldom does an opportunity such as this present itself to purchase this kind of Real Estate at Absolute Auction. Please do your homework now and be present on the day of the Auction and be prepared to purchase This piece of Real Estate. Save yourself alot of time on the long drawn out offer to purchase / counter offer process and buy this Wonderful Piece of Real Estate on the day of the Auction. This Wonderful Old Historical Mill Known as "Sheppards Mill" will be declared sold on the day of the sale without any upset bid period, selling to the last and final bidder regardless of price ! Get approved today with your lender and come join us for this Absolute On-Site Auction.
Terms & Conditions:This property is located in Stokes County, NC ( Snow Creek Township) and is recorded in the Stokes Co. Register of Deeds at DB: 637 PG: 331 PIN: Parcel # 6968-00-32-6878, and PIN # 6996-00-32-9720. The information contained in this advertisement and all related auction materials are subject to the terms of the Contract of Sale. Buyers are encouraged to personally inspect properties and rely on their own judgment and inspection. All Real Estate sells AS-IS, with all faults, if any. This Property is Selling at Absolute Auction to the Last and Highest Bidder and will Not be Left Open after the Auction for Further Bidding. These Properties are Selling Free and Clear of any Liens, Judgments, and Other Encumberances. The Property Taxes will be Pro-Rated on the Date of the Closing. All announcements made by the Auctioneer at the auction will take precedence over any previous printed materials or any oral statements made. The successful bidder will post $ 20,000.00 down at the auction in the form of Cash, Cashiers Check, Personal Check, or Company Check, and sign a sales contract with the balance due at closing in 30 days from the Auction. A 10% Buyer’s Premium will be added to the successful bidder’s high bid and will become the Contract Price. We Do Not Sell Properties subject to Loan Confirmation, You must be Pre-Qualified with your Banking Institution & Know that you are able to Close on or before June 19th, 2013. Time Being of the Essence.
An Offering Statement will be Available at the Open House on Sunday, April 28th, Tuesday May 7th, and Thursday May 16th from 2:00 to 4:00 PM or at The Auction on the Day of The Sale. Agents will be On-Site at 10:00 AM on the Day of the Auction. Please don't miss the Opportunity to View these Wonderful Properties and be Prepared to Bid on The Day of The Sale!
Ladies & Gentlemen: The Seller have Chosen the Absolute Auction method of sale for the marketing of his Real Estate. We feel that the auction is the "Modern Way to Sell Your Property". The auction eliminates a long drawn out process of negotiations of offers and counter offers and eliminates the cost of holding a property on the market till a buyer happens to come along. I have had several calls from people who look at auctions as a distress sale or think that to sell a home at absolute auction there must be a forclosure or problems with the home and this is simply not the case. Hundreds of thousands of homes are sold each year by professional auctioneers around the world. Many sellers choose the auction method of marketing because it is quite simply the best way to sell many Homes and Real Estate. The Absolute Auction method of marketing bring buyers to the auction knowing that the property is selling to the highest bidder without any minimums or reserves. The terms of the auction is printed in the offering statement and also disclosed here on the website for the buyer to view and prepare themselves for the auction prior to the sale. While some sales are subject to the sellers approval, or offered upon confirmation, This particular auction is selling to the highest bidder on the day of the auction which in this case is Saturday, May 18th, 2013. Please do your necessary homework and be sure that if you Bid on This Property you will be able to close on it in the time specified, Which is on or before. There are no liens or encumbrances on this property and the sellers will be providing you with a clear deed to this property. The taxes are current and there are no outstanding judgments. We are very happy to be offering this home for our sellers at absolute auction. Hall Auction & Realty are agents representing the sellers in this transaction, however if you have any questions or concerns please give us a call and we will be happy to assist you in any way that we can.
Buyers! Questions about Auctions?
As a Buyer, what are the benefits to auction? 1) Smart investments are made by purchasing through the auction method. 2) The buyer knows the seller is fully committed to sell. 3) In multi-property auctions the buyer sees many offerings in the same place at the same time. 4) Buyers determine the purchase price. 5) Auctions eliminate long negotiation periods. 6) Auctions reduce time to purchase property. 7) Purchasing and closing dates are known. 8) Buyers know they are competing fairly and on the same terms as all other buyers. 9) Buyers receive comprehensive information on property via "Offering Statement"
What does the term 'absolute' mean? Absolute means the property will be sold to the highest bidder. There are no minimums or reserves in an 'Absolute' auction. Please check with the auction team for the details of each auction.
Do I need to pre-qualify? No. We do not require any pre-qualification to bid. As a suggestion, if you intend to obtain financing, you should pre-qualify with a lender.
Another Good Auction Conducted by
Hall Auction and Realty Company
Troy L. Hall CAI Auctioneer / Broker NCAL- 4703 NCREB - 197034
Susan Hall Administrative Assistant
1326 Carter Mill Road (Home Office)
336-366-7363 Cell ~ 336-835-SOLD (7653) ~ 336-957-5028 Gallery
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"2003 North Carolina State Champion Auctioneer"
Troy L. Hall CAI, Auctioneer/Broker is a 2011 Graduate of The Prestigous Certified Auctioneers Institute in Bloomington, Indiana which is a Three Year Program Sponsored by The National Auctioneers Assocation. This is a Designation that Few Auctioneers Hold. Designed for leaders in the industry and auction firm decision-makers, the CAI is an executive development program focused on developing the skills and providing the tools necessary to run a top-notch auction firm. Designation holders have the knowledge and skill necessary to provide high-quality services to all types of clients. In addition, their designation indicates to attorneys, trust officers, government officials, financial planners, accountants and others who seek the services of well-qualified auctioneers that the CAI designation holder is an astute business person whose conduct will follow the highest professional standards.
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