Hall Auction And Realty Company - Auctions in North Carolina  
We can help to liquidate your assets in a timely manner.
Pick Up and Delivery
We offer pick-up and delivery for a nominal fee.
Quick Turn Around
Puts cash in your pocket usually within 7-10 business days on personal property and 30 days on real estate.
We can usually have your auction ready in less than 30 days including inventory, advertising, set up and clean up.
We take care of all advertising including photos, signage, brochures (if applicable), newspaper and internet listings, layout and design preparation.
We offer a computer clerking Maxa program so our sellers are provided a complete inventory of all items sold, including purchase price, etc.
No Upfront Cash
We do not require an up front fee for our labor, advertising, etc. We collect from proceeds at closing.
Payment Options
We offer MasterCard and Visa at no cost to the seller.
Sales Tax
We collect sales tax (when applicable) and take care of payment of any and all sales taxes associated with your auction.
We provide a clean port-a-jon for all outside sales at no cost to the seller.
We provide a caterer for all sales home and away at no additional cost to our sellers.

Contact us today at 336-835-7653 or email us.